Data Organization

Data Organization

How prepare your ExperienceSampler data for analysis

We will now show you prepare your data for analysis.

Google Option

All the scripts you will need can be found here.
The instructions for how to use our Google Data Converter can be found here. We'll show you how to
The one drawback of the Google Option is that Google devotes limited resources for Google Scripts to run. Thus, if your data file is very large, you will have to convert a few sheets at a time. Sometimes the Script will stop in the middle of converting a sheet, so you will have to monitor the process. Monitoring the conversion process can be time-consuming and requires a constant Internet connection. For these reasons, we prefer the R option.

R Option

Server Data

We show you how to get your raw data from your server, then splice, clean and prepare your server data.
     Download this script and make the modifications described here.

We then show you how to convert your prepared data into long form.
     Download this script and make the modifications described here.

Google Data

We recommend working from the raw data Google spreadsheet.
     Here are the instructions to downloading your raw data from your Google as separate csv files.
Then we show you how to splice, prepare, and clean your data.
     Download this script and make the modifications described here.
We then show you how to convert your prepared data into long form.
     Download this script and make the modifications described here.

Much of the process will be the same as the process for Server Data, except the way you get the raw data will be different.

Now you're ready to analyze your data!