ExperienceSampler Features
It has many features that make it ideal for experience sampling studies
Basic Survey Functions
To get you started, we've included basic survey functions like multiple choice questions, Likert-scale items, and open-ended questions. You can also incorporate skip logic and question branching.
Time-Stamped Responses
Each and every response is time-stamped, so you can determine whether participants are answering their questionnaires throughout the day or all at once (i.e., hoarding). You can also lock participants out of the app for predetermined amounts of time to further deter hoarding.
Local Notifications
The signalling system operates independent of whether phones have a cell signal because we used the local notification systems included in Android OS and iOS. So having no cell signal is no problem.
Data Storage
The data is stored locally on the phone and sent to your server whenever participants are connected to the Internet through WiFi or a cell signal.
Snooze Feature
We've also included a snooze function, so participants can be reminded to complete questionnaires at a later time if they are currently busy.
Low Operational Costs
Most things of the things you need to use ExperienceSampler are free. There are only two operational costs currently associated with ExperienceSampler – an iOS Enterprise Developer Membership ($299 USD/year) and a server to store your data.
Easy to Customize
Best of all, the app is easy to adapt. If you are comfortable replacing variables names and numbers in your stats syntax files, then customizing ExperienceSampler with your own questions and signalling schedule will be a breeze.
Endless Possibilities
Because ExperienceSampler is open-source, you can create your own functions and features.